凯文(基普)P. 行Ph值.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Ministry and Biblical Studies

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Ph.D. 跨文化研究. Stanley Jones School of World Mission and Evangelism, Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, KY

M.A.R. Christian Doctrine, Emmanuel Christian Seminary, 约翰逊市, TN

B.A. 圣经/事工与美术,密立根学院,田纳西州



Ordained Minister in the Christian 教堂/教堂 of Christ





















American Professor of Mission (Board of Advisors 2013 - 2016)




玫瑰B. 埃德加·B. McReynolds教师优秀奖(2014)

Theta Phi, National Theological Honor Society, Asbury Branch (2010)

E. 史丹利琼斯信托基金.D. Scholarship Recipient, Asbury Theological Seminary (2008-2012)

Hebrew Language Studies Award- Emmanuel Christian Seminary (1998)

Outstanding Fine Arts Senior Award, Milligan College (1995)



African Traditional Religious Specialists in the Southern Nilotic Context



Dependency and Development in Mission and the Mission Moratorium (1970’s)

Anthropology of Religion and Anthropology of Christianity




Ngimurok人说他们是谁?  A Phenomenological Study of 图尔卡纳 Traditional Religious    Specialists in 图尔卡纳, Kenya. 美国宣教学会专题丛书. 尤金,俄勒冈:匹克威克出版社. 2017(即将出版).

“劳动(工作).《手机版下载》. 柏林,德国:德格鲁伊特学术出版社. 2017(即将出版).

凯文·P. 和卡尔·托尼. 《马太福音评注:城市视角.波特兰,OR: Urban Loft Publishers. 2017(即将出版).

“Missional正义.《基督教标准》. 2016年11月:20-22.

“From McGavran’s Church Growth to Taber’s Kingdom Of God: Tracing Distinct Missiological Trajectories in Undergraduate and Graduate Mission and Intercultural Studies Programs in Christian 教堂/教堂 of Christ Institutions.” In What’s In a Name: Assessing Mission Studies Program Titles, p.101-137. 肯塔基州威尔莫尔:第一水果出版社. 2016.

“宣教与世界传福音”.” In Hope for the Future: Contemporary Values of the Restoration Movement, 2nd ed., p.43–52. 富勒顿, CA: 希望国际大学 Press. 2014.

“From Creative Destruction Toward Creative Transformation: Mission Beyond Critical Contextualization in a Complex Global Era.摘自《胜博发app》,编辑. 约瑟夫·格兰纳著,p.59–76. 富勒顿, CA: 希望国际大学 Press. 2012.

“Exegetical and Extispicic Readings of the Bible in 图尔卡纳, 肯尼亚和北美,《胜博发体育app》, (66:1) 2011年春季:65-94.

暂停任务的持续重要性, 3月论文, 约翰逊市, TN:伊曼纽尔宗教学院, 1998.



An Evangelical Missiological Theology of Religions, a paper presented at the Stone Campbell Journal Conference, 约翰逊大学, 4月1日, 2016.

Using Local Words Leads to Greater Missiological Understanding: A Call For More Phenomenological Research in Mission, a paper presented at the 美国宣教学会 Meetings, 惠顿学院, 6月20日, 2015.

From McGavran’s Church Growth to Taber’s Kingdom Of God: Tracing Distinct Missiological Trajectories in Undergraduate and Graduate Mission and Intercultural Studies Programs in Christian 教堂/教堂 of Christ Institutions, a paper presented at the association of Professors of Mission Annual Meeting, 惠顿学院, 6月19日, 2015.

Variety and Current Trends in Mission and Intercultural Studies 学术项目 in Christian Church Undergraduate and Graduate Institutions, a paper presented at the Stone-Campbell Journal Conference, 印第安纳波利斯, IN, 4月10日, 2015.

Ethnography for Christian Witness: Testing Monolithic Stereotypes in a Complex Muslim Community, a paper presented at the Stone-Campbell Journal Conference, 林肯, IL, 4月14日, 2012.

新自由主义女巫, 基督教的占卜, and Neo-colonial Big Men: Globalized African Interpretations of 传教士 Identity, a paper presented at the Evangelical Missiological Society Regional Meeting, 三一福音神学院, 2月26日, 2011.

Toward a Stone-Campbell Theology of Religions: Interacting with the Proximate Other, a paper presented at the Stone-Campbell Journal Conference, 辛辛那提, OH, 4月10日, 2010.



Undergraduate and Graduate Mission Degre Programs in the Christian 教堂. 任务训练员论坛,ICOM,列克星敦,肯塔基州. 2016年11月.

教会领袖事工神学. Lakeview Bible College and Seminary Extension Program. 维萨卡帕特南、印度. 2016年3月.

What Does it Mean to Be a 传教士 in the 21st Century? 全亚洲传教士静修会,CMF国际. 泰国清迈. 2016年2月.

使命与移民:我们的角色是什么? 2015年11月CMF国际董事会会议.

任务冲突. 国际特派团会议. 2015年11月.

神的外邦使命:使命与迁移. 国际特派团会议. 2012, 2013, 2014.

Environmental Missionaries: Creation Care and Missions. 国际特派团会议. 2013, 2014.



Interim Preaching Minister, Hill-n-Dale Christian Church, Lexington, KY (2012)

Founding Dean and Instructor, 图尔卡纳 Bible Training Institute, Lodwar, Kenya (2004-2008)

Team Leader, CMF国际, 图尔卡纳, Kenya (2003-2008)

传教士, 教会植堂及领袖发展, CMF国际, 图尔卡纳, 肯尼亚(1999 - 2008)

Associate Minister, Hopwood Memorial Christian Church, Milligan College, TN (1995-1999)



Being a Husband and Father, Photography, Theater, Hiking.



Intercultural Studies is about people and taking the time and effort to understand the distinctiveness of persons in order to better share God’s love with them.  My goal in the classroom is to instill students with a desire for lifelong learning about, 和参与, people of other faiths and cultures no matter what a student’s vocation might be in the future.  Today this means not only learning about people who are far away, but learning how to live as followers of Jesus among people of very different faiths and cultures who now live nearby, 作为我们的邻居.  I approach this task with reflexivity: seeking to understand better our own identities; epistemic humility: recognizing that even people of other faiths have valuable lessons for us to learn; and with global gaze: looking to see what God is doing all over the world.