

总统博士. John Derry often tells the story of 希望国际大学’s enduring dedication to growth and servitude.  He believes the essence of the University’s mission is to ignite a spark of hope, 带领胜博发体育app为社会服务, 这个国家, 这个世界.  为了延续这一传统,在2013年的“希望之魂”晚会上. Derry announced the kick-off of the Ignite Hope campaign, a five-year, $15 million campaign.  He highlighted the many ways HIU alumni serve their communities 这个世界 and reaffirmedHope’s commitment to educating the next generation of servant leaders, emphasizing the need for the Ignite Hope campaign in fulfilling that commitment.

“每到新学年, I feel a renewed excitement regarding the levels of accomplishment and 开发ment that are within our reach,德里说.  “We are preparing students to serve in areas of ministry and skill that were beyond imagination only a few years ago.  世界前所未有地需要我们培养的校友, 这次竞选使我们能够满足这一需求.”

这场运动因两项重大贡献而活跃起来.  Kent Anderson, an elder of Morningstar Christian Church, has made a generous $1.500万礼物, which includes the establishment of a $1 million endowment fund to support the faculty and 项目 for Pacific Christian College of Ministry & 圣经研究. 这是理大有史以来收到的第三大捐款.  First Christian Church of 杭廷顿海滩 has made the lead church gift by generously contributing $100,000.

“The needs of our students and campus will always be greater than our budget, 几乎所有的高等教育机构都是如此, 这就是为什么资本运动是必要的,迈克尔·马尔莱恩说, 负责机构发展的副总裁.  “We are deeply appreciative of Kent Anderson and our friends at First Christian Church, 杭廷顿海滩, who are responding to the Campaign with higher-intensity giving while inspiring others to do the same.” 

Mulryan explained that University administrators and the Board of Trustees approach the growth and 开发ment of 希望国际大学 by measuring their dreams, 计划, 以及反对HIU使命的策略.  每个决定都要开发一个新项目, 修复建筑物, or form a partnership is filtered through this question:  “How does this help empower our students to serve the Church and impact the world for Christ?高等教育, 方法, and students may not look like they did eight decades ago when the institution was founded, 但HIU的任务看起来完全一样.

“The impact that our future alumni will make is dependent on their access to the Hopeexperience, 这是要花钱的,Mulryan说. 

The Ignite Hope campaign focuses on three crucial categories of need:  preservation/enhancement/ infrastructure; scholarships; and program 开发ment.

保存、增强和基础设施 $5,000,000

希望国际大学将保持目前的现状, 历史悠久的学校, and good stewardship demands that we take steps to maximize its potential.  The campus is home to some of the most striking post-modern architecture in the region. Renovation of the campus will preserve the historic and unique Googie architecture that characterizes our 富勒顿 campus.  修复剧院是一项优先工程, 以及教室和图书馆的改进.  The theater is the centerpiece of the front entrance to the campus and this architectural treasure must be preserved, while it is upgraded to offer the state-of-the-art technology that is expected in a performing arts facility.  Upgraded technology is equally important in the Hugh and Hazel Darling 图书馆 and the University's classrooms.  Our students' academic experiences must equip them to serve in a world where state-of-the-art technology is not just desired, 但预期. 

奖学金  $6,500,000

HIU的使命是以胜博发体育app的生活为中心, so the most significant portion of the campaign is intended for scholarship support.  该大学提供大约4美元.500万的机构援助, and about 90% of our students must receive financial aid in order to attend HIU.  Though the HIU experience is one of the most affordable in private higher education, it is rare that students and parents are able to cover the entire cost without financial assistance.  The students who enter HIU today have the potential to excel in careers and ministries that have not yet been imagined, 但如果没有奖学金的话.

程序开发 & 捐赠增长  $3,500,000

Just as the University's ability to provide scholarship resources is crucial, so is our ability to implement relevant 项目 that will prepare and equip our students.  随着新技术和市场需求的出现, 高等教育机构必须创新, 开发, 和适应.  The 希望国际大学 brand represents the integration of the Christian faith with intellect, 能力, 和服务.  That brand relies upon HIU's responsiveness in offering the programming that will educate leaders who are prepared to meet challenges with creative and ethical solutions across a broad spectrum of endeavors.

A gift to the Ignite Hope campaign not only represents an investment in the students of 希望国际大学, but also an investment in every life that our students' lives will touch -- in Orange County, 全国范围内, 这个世界.   For more information regarding theIgnite Hope campaign or to talk about your involvement, 请联系Michael Mulryan (电子邮件保护).  

A gift to the Ignite Hope campaign not only represents an investment in the students of 希望国际大学, but also an investment in every life that our students’ lives will touch -- in Orange County, 全国范围内, 这个世界.   For more information regarding theIgnite Hope campaign or to talk about your involvement, 请联系Michael Mulryan (电子邮件保护).