

富勒顿, CA :: After 50 years in vocational ministry, including 45 years in higher education and the last 15 years of service as President of 希望国际大学, Dr. 约翰L. 德里 has announced his retirement, effective August 15, 2019. President 德里 notified the HIU community in early December, 说时机已经成熟了, both for the University and for his family.  

在过去的几个月里, Jane and I have been praying and considering when would be the best time for us to transition to retirement,德里总统说. “A decision like this is certainly not easy and in no way reflects on our confidence in the future of the University. We have four grandchildren in Texas and four more in Ohio who are growing up quickly, and we want to be more integral a part of their childhood, especially while we are still in good health.

“HIU’s 90th Anniversary provides a natural milestone for passing the mantle of leadership to the person who will cast a vision for the University’s next 90 years,德里继续说道. “Our mission to prepare students to serve Christ around the world is an enduring one, and we know that our alumni and friends who embrace and embody that mission will continue to provide continuity and support throughout this transition and for the next administration as well.”

Since accepting the presidency in 2003, Dr. 德里 has led HIU in a host of notable advancements and accomplishments, including an 8-year re-affirmation of accreditation by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges in 2016. Other highlights of his presidential tenure include:

  • Accreditation by the Association for Biblical Higher Education (College of Ministry and Biblical Studies), the Commission for the Accreditation of Marriage and Family Therapy Education (Marriage and Family Therapy 项目), and the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (College of Business & 管理)
  • Unprecedented merger with Nebraska Christian College in Papillion, NE, creating a two-campus system that significantly benefits the University in both locales
  • Approval to offer all academic 项目 in Washington, leading to the creation of an HIU Education Center in Everett, WA
  • Establishment of the School of Advanced Leadership Training (SALT) to develop educational partnerships with churches in the United States and Canada
  • Restructure of University’s academic divisions into five Colleges
  • Completed acquisition of the south campus property, followed by approval of the City of 富勒顿 for sale and subsequent development of new student apartment housing
  • 研究生办公室和网上办公室的搬迁, 教室, and Hope Counseling Center to new Anaheim campus
  • 入学人数创历史新高
  • Expansion of online and international 项目
  • Partnerships with Korean universities that send 100 students (combined) to study at HIU each year
  • Growth and achievement of athletics 项目; several men’s and women’s teams have advanced to their respective national finals
  • Numerous campus facility improvements, remodels, and renovations

“Dr. 德里 has lived and breathed HIU for the past 15 years, and those years represent the capstone of his life-long vocational commitment and calling to Christian higher education,迈克尔·马尔莱恩说, Vice President for Institutional Advancement. “He has blessed HIU with a legacy that positions us well for continued success. 我们将深深地怀念我们的领袖和朋友.”

 “I am humbled and grateful that God has allowed me to serve alongside such outstanding servant leaders,德里总统沉思道. “The HIU community stood by us through some daunting challenges, professionally and personally. We will never forget all of the love, support, and prayers we received.”

The Board of Trustees has authorized a Presidential Search Committee to identify and interview potential candidates who meet the qualifications to become HIU’s seventh president. Dr. 德里 has committed to work actively in the coming months with the Committee chair, 凯文的气味, 以帮助平稳过渡. Kevin also serves as Vice Chair of HIU’s Board of Trustees.

“I want to do all I can to ensure the transition goes smoothly and brings to this office a visionary leader who will lead the University into a bright future,”医生说。. 德里. “Please join us in praying for God’s continued blessing and direction to that end.”
